Pasadena Muscle Company
During my first year of college I did what any young man who has a superficial knowledge of exercise would do: I became a personal trainer.
Truth be told, I was actually quite good. I focused on bodybuilding and athletic training, which is what I enjoyed most.
My modest business evolved over the years as I created a YouTube channel, website, blog, and even won a natural bodybuilding competition.

YouTube Videos
I made over 100 YouTube videos and acquired nearly 1,000 subscribers, which would mean real monetization from my channel. Time caught up to my body and my interest in being a fitness guru waned.
I still enjoy lifting and look forward to the day I can focus on bodybuilding again.
My most watched video
 I wrestled for four years varsity on my school team. It is a sport that I absolutely love. I made a video showing the workouts I perform when I'm weight training. It received a lot of positive feedback. Check it out...
Logos and Branding
The original logo design is a Pasadena rose inside of the Superman emblem. Of course you can't tell trademark offices this, so it basically is a rose inside of a diamond.
I designed a vector mascot - a buff me in an old school pose, still within a diamond to correlate with the original logo.
I wanted to make muscles and my logo synonymous. I began including the word "muscle" wherever I placed my logo.
I made a bunch of shirts which I sold or gifted to people in the Pasadena area.
My logo was distinguishable and could be seen worn around the city.
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